thoughts and observations of a privacy, security and internet researcher, activist, and policy advisor

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Privacy Conferences, first half 2009

Some interesting privacy-related conferences in the coming months:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hach ja, zur re:publica würd ich ja dieses Jahr auch gerne fahren, aber am 13. des Monats hab ich Diplom-Abgabe, da glaub ich nicht dass ich entspannt drei Tage in Berlin rumhängen kann...

13/1/09 18:39

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You coming to DC this year? I'm hoping to cover it as press again for TidBITS.

22/1/09 06:44

Blogger Ralf Bendrath said...

Jeff: Not sure I make it to CFP, but will be in DC in February for a few days. Will get in touch.

22/1/09 12:42


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